Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic - All Quests No Major Glitches Guide

v2.0: Male Scout -> Jedi Guardian Route

Route and Guide by indykenobi and BinksMagnus

This route completes all 100 main and side quests in the game without the use of major glitches. Timing begins upon clicking “PLAY” after character creation and ends when the screen cuts to black at the start of the Malak Death cutscene. A load-removal tool and auto-splitter is available for LiveSplit thanks to glasnonck and XeroHR (results may vary for Windows 11 users); times are sorted based on load-removed times, since load times vary significantly in this game, and there are frequent load screens.

Dark side or light side quest conclusions are chosen based on overall speed for the route. This guide will cover the character creation and leveling choices, as well as reasoning for each quest’s chosen completion and a detailed route.

If you need assistance with the glitches used in the game, I recommend the Techniques section of the Glitch Guides. You can either review those guides ahead of time, or use the hyperlinks in the guide below to consult the more detailed material when necessary. You can also join the KotOR Speedrunning Discord and ask questions if you have them!

Table of Contents:

Category Rules

REMEMBER to show yourself restarting the game at the beginning of each attempt.

All Quests Category

For All Quests runs, you must complete the game with either ending on any difficulty, and complete all 100 quests. Completing a quest is defined as any of the following three conditions:

  1. The quest appears in the “Completed Quests” section of the journal.
  2. If the quest is entirely removed from the journal when completed, it must appear in the “Active Quests” section of the journal first.
  3. If a quest is completed but then becomes active again, it must be completed again.

Out of the 100 quests, 91 of them can at some point be moved to the “Completed Quests” section of the Journal and thus satisfy condition 1.

The quest “The Jedi Council” is (with the current route) the only quest that reactivates and thus falls under condition 3. It is completed both times by satisfying condition 2, as the quest is never placed in the Completed Quests section of the Journal. The following eight quests are removed entirely from the Journal instead of becoming Completed Quests, and thus must satisfy condition 2:

The final quest is the last one in the game, “The Final Confrontation”. The game actually never bothers to update that quest at any point after giving it to you, so for the purposes of the speedrun it is considered to be complete when Malak is defeated (when the timer stops).

NMG Ruleset

REMEMBER to show yourself restarting the game at the beginning of each attempt.

The No Major Glitches (NMG) rule set is a middle-ground between Unrestricted and Glitchless.

The following glitches and tricks are banned in NMG speedruns:

These glitches and tricks are allowed:

Character Build

Character Creation

Male Scout - Choosing a Male character is faster in two places: starting the “Invited to a Party” quest on Taris requires going further into the Upper City Cantina as a Female MC, and you have to do 4 additional conversations with Carth to complete his quest. This guide will assume a Male MC.

Scout is picked for automatic access to Flurry, Implant Level 2 and Computer Use as a Class Skill.

Initial Attributes

Initial Skills

Initial Feat - Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons

The attribute spread maximizes damage while striking a balance between durability and utility. 18 Strength is to maximize our damage with melee weapons. The points in Dexterity and Constitution are to give us some survivability. The 10 Intelligence gives us enough skill points to invest points where we need to put them early on and still save enough to max out Persuade when we become a Jedi. The 12 Charisma guarantees that we succeed at difficult Persuade checks while Force Valor is active.

For skills, we need will use Computer Use to help save on spikes throughout the run, Treat Injury to make our inevitable medpac use more effective, and Persuade to take some conversational shortcuts and finish some quests. Security helps optimize Endar Spire and lets the Main Character open some apartment doors while Carth kills stuff.

We choose Weapon Focus: Melee for the attack boost on Taris, in particular the fights with Selven, the Dueling Ring, and everything in the Sith Base. We choose it over Two-Weapon Fighting because it takes longer to select, so at level 2 it’s faster to pick Two-Weapon Fighting. Since character creation isn’t timed, this is optimal, and since you only have one melee weapon equipped on the Endar Spire there is no additional point at which you would benefit from it by taking Two-Weapon Fighting at Creation.

Leveling Plan

Level Feat Power Skills
1 Weapon Focus: Melee Weapons, Flurry   Com to 4, Stealth to 1, Sec to 1, TI to 4
2 Two-Weapon Fighting   Save All
3 Empathy   Save All
4 Implant 2, Uncanny Dodge   Save All
5 Improved Two-Weapon Fighting   Save All
6 Improved Flurry, Force Jump Burst of Speed, Force Valor Save All
7   Affect Mind Per to 10, TI to 8
8 Master Two-Weapon Fighting Dominate Mind Per to 11
9   Knight Speed Per to 12
10   Knight Valor Per to 13
11 Master Flurry, Improved Force Jump Force Resistance Per to 14
12 Weapon Focus: Lightsaber Drain Life Per to 15
13   Energy Resistance Per to 16
14 Weapon Specialization: Lightsaber Improved Energy Resistance Per to 17
15   Master Speed Per to 18

Our main plan is to combine Master Speed with Master Flurry and a Double-Bladed Lightsaber for five attacks per round in the late game. Master Two-Weapon Fighting, Weapon Focus, stims and lightsaber crystals give us enough attack that we can reliably hit even with the attack penalties.

Notes on Feats and Powers:

Notes on Skills and Attributes:

Equipment Plan

Implant: Nerve Enhancement Package - Bought on Taris, Zelka’s Shop (500 Credits)

Head: Breath Mask - Bought on Dantooine, Crattis Yurkal’s shop (100 Credits)

Gloves: GenoHaradan Power Gloves - Received on Manaan from Hulas

Body: Jedi Knight Robe - Found on Dantooine, Nemo’s corpse

Belt: CNS Strength Enhancer - Bought on Dantooine, Crattis Yurkal’s shop (8500 Credits)

Weapon: Double-Bladed Lightsaber - Found on Taris, Brejik’s corpse

Credit Route

The major purchases made during the run are the CNS Strength Enhancer, HK-47, and a large amount of adrenal stims and medpacs for fights. The credit route is extremely tight early on and stops being a concern after Manaan 1.

1. Larrim on Taris

2. Zelka Forn on Taris

3. Kebla Yurt on Taris

4. Janice Nall on Taris

5. Crattis Yurkal on Dantooine

6. Mic’Tunan’Jus Orgu on Tatooine

7. Selkath Merchant on Manaan

8. Junix Nard on Tatooine

9. Czerka Store on Korriban

Notice that we sell as much as possible to Janice Nall on Taris; shops on Taris give 40% of item value for sell prices, compared to 25% off of Taris, so we maximize our credits that way.

In addition to selling items, other major sources of credits include:

Alignment Route

Alignment in KotOR is a sliding scale from 0 to 100, initialized at 50; higher numbers are Light, lower numbers are Dark. Shifts in alignment are determined by a matrix; every alignment-shifting action is classified as Light or Dark, and then assigned a level (either Low, Mid, or High). The player character can be aligned as Very Dark, Dark, Neutral, Light, or Very Light. The more opposed your alignment and the action’s classification, the more drastic your shift in alignment; for example, a Light-aligned character performing a High Dark action will have a large shift, while a Dark character performing a High Dark action will have a smaller shift.

Alignment Shifts

Here’s the full list of alignment actions that happen during the run; there are 46 total shifts, of which exactly 27 are dark and 16 are light:

Aligned Action Type Delta New
Neutral Game Start 50 50
Neutral Threaten Dia about Holdan Low Dark -2 48
Neutral Kill Dia Low Dark -2 46
Neutral Kill Largo Low Dark -2 44
Neutral Kill the Infected Outcasts Low Dark -2 42
Neutral Give Rukil the Promised Land journals High Light +6 48
Neutral Agree to kill Gadon Thek Low Dark -2 46
Neutral Agree to a death match with Bendak Starkiller Low Dark -2 44
Neutral Threaten Ajuur for more credits Low Dark -2 42
Neutral Threaten Janice Nall for T3 Low Dark -4 38
Dark Sell the Rakghoul Serum to Zax Low Dark -1 37
Dark Kill Tanis Mid Dark -2 35
Dark Kill Komad Fortuna Low Dark -1 34
Dark Order Sasha off your ship Mid Dark -2 32
Dark Lie to Nubassa about the gizka Low Dark -1 31
Dark Kill Lorgal via the console Low Dark -1 30
Dark Loan Queedle money for his swoop bike Mid Light +6 36
Dark Try to refuse Queedle’s return of the loan Low Light +4 40
Neutral Give Casus’s journal to Nurik for free Low Light +2 42
Neutral Refuse reward from Shen and Rahasia Low Light +2 44
Neutral Kill Zuulan Low Dark -2 42
Neutral Kill Rulan Low Dark -2 40
Dark   Low Dark -2 38
Dark Kashyyyk Star Map Quiz Low Light +4 42
Neutral   Low Dark -2 40
Neutral Kill Freyyr High Dark -6 34
Dark Report Freyyr’s death to Chuundar High Dark -4 30
Dark Tell Matton not to kill Eli High Light +8 38
Dark Buy Sharina’s wraid plate for half price Low Dark -2 37
Dark Kill Ithorak Low Dark -1 36
Dark Threaten to kill Shasa High Dark -4 32
Dark Persuade Kel Algwinn to return to the Jedi Hardcoded +3 35
Dark Give Dustil evidence of Uthar’s betrayal High Light +8 43
Neutral Use serum on the Mandalorian prisoner Hardcoded -3 40
Neutral Use serum on the Mandalorian prisoner again Hardcoded -3 37
Dark Give dark answers during Jorak Uln’s quiz Mid Dark -2 35
Neutral Tell the renegade Sith that they’re free High Light +8 43
Neutral Spare Yuthura Ban Mid Light +4 47
Neutral   Low Light +2 49
Neutral Remain true to the Light Side on Lehon High Light +6 55
Neutral   Highest Light +10 65

The alignment route is quite lenient, since we no longer try to equip the Solari crystal until after Lehon, when we get a massive infusion of light side points when we choose to renounce our former identity.

The ending for the run is the light side ending; see below.

Quest Alignment Choices

In general, every quest outcome is chosen to get the fastest time, regardless of alignment. Some notes on some non-intuitive choices:

1. Dia’s Bounty - Dark

2. The Promised Land - Light

3. Rakghoul Serum - Dark

4. Tanis Trapped - Dark

5. A Desert Hunt - Dark

6. Manaan Swoop Races - Light

7. Mission for the Republic - Neutral

8. A Chieftain in Need - Dark

9. Star Map: Kashyyyk - Dark

10. Middleman - Dark

11. Korriban Sidequests and Prestige

12. Finding Dustil - Light

13. Hermit in the Hills - Dark

14. Trapped on a Nameless World - Light

Route Overview

Planet Route

Taris -> Dantooine 1 -> Tatooine 1 -> Manaan 1 -> Dantooine 2 -> Kashyyyk -> Tatooine 2 -> Manaan 2 -> Leviathan -> Korriban -> Unknown Planet -> Star Forge

Some planets require at least two visits, such as:

Planets that can be done in a single visit include:

Tatooine could be done in a single visit if our route was different, but since we visit it first it’s not possible.

This route does not visit Yavin space station, and therefore does not get the Baragwin Assault Blade or the Advanced Bio-Stabilizer Mask. But we save time by not having to visit Suvam three times.

Route Outline

1. Taris 1

2. Taris 2

3. Dantooine 1

4. Tatooine 1

5. Manaan 1

6. Dantooine 2

7. Kashyyyk

8. Tatooine 2

9. Manaan 2

10. The Leviathan

11. Korriban

12. Lehon

13. Star Forge

Detailed Route

This section will describe all the actions you’ll need to take for the All Quests NMG run.

Crash Awareness

KotOR has a significant memory leak associated with the Quick Save feature, which is used heavily in this speedrun and is what allows a significant portion of NMG’s glitches to work. It is recommended to speedrun with the Task Manager open in order to monitor Memory usage and also to close the game at several points. It is recommended to close and restart the game around 1400-1450 MB of memory used, as the game will crash unpredictably between 1500 and 1600 MB. This is a very small margin, and being aware of your memory usage is a vital component of finishing runs and getting good times.

Guide Notation


Conversation Notes:

Quest Notes:

Jump to a Section:

Endar Spire

Character Creation

Command Module

Starboard Section

Taris 1

Note on Alacrity: We want Adrenal Alacrity to be active on the MC for as much of Taris as possible. The route obtains 6 Alacrities on Taris, and with Duration Glitch and good movement you should be able to reach Dantooine with 1 remaining.

South Apartments

  - Computer Spikes
  - Grenades
  - Stims
- BUY:
  - Concussion Grenade x2
  - Battle Stimulant  
- End: ~908 Credits

Upper City South

SHOPPING: Zelka Forn
- BUY: 
  - Nerve Enhancement Package
  - 5x Adrenal Alacrity
  - 2x Adrenal Strength
- End: ~58 Credits

Upper City North

Lower City

Undercity and The Promised Land

Vulkar Base

Rescuing Bastila

Taris 2

Upper City

SHOPPING: Kebla Yurt
- BUY:
  - Concussion Grenade
- End: 28 Credits

The Duel Ring

Upper City North

SHOPPING: Janice Nall
  - Medpacs
  - Computer Spikes
  - Double-Bladed Lightsaber
  - Concussion Grenade
  - Stims
- End: ~6072 Credits

Sith Base

Davik’s Estate

Dantooine 1

Jedi Enclave

Note: The game deletes Taris data from your save at this point, so your Save Teleports become significantly weaker for a while. Movement with Alacrity/Burst of Speed is faster.

SHOPPING: Aratech Mercantile
- BUY:
  - Breath Mask
  - CNS Strength Enhancer
  - 3x Adrenal Alacrity
  - 1x Adrenal Stamina
  - 1x Adrenal Strength
  - +/-3 and +/-5 Pazaak Cards
- End: ~22 Credits

Dantooine Savannah

Movement Note: Force Jump is now available, and it’s the fastest form of movement available for now. Try to line up Force Jumps wherever possible, and otherwise make sure you have Burst of Speed active.

Dantooine Ruins

Leaving Dantooine

Tatooine 1

Note on Level Ups: There is never a reason to save a level up for the rest of the run. Take your level ups as soon as you can; they are listed in the latest place you could get them.

Docking Bay:

SHOPPING: Mic'Tunan'Jus Orgu
  - Computer Spikes
  - Stims
- BUY:
  - 4x Life Support Pack
  - ~14x Advanced Medpac (stay above 4800 credits)
  - 1x Adrenal Strength
  - Bantha Fodder
- End: ~4768 Credits


Dune Sea

Eastern Dune Sea

Ebon Hawk

Manaan 1

Note: At this point, Save Teleports with no movement speed enhancements is barely faster RTA than Burst of Speed. Use them for movement, and do not use Alacrity or Speed unless specifically noted.

Docking Bay

SHOPPING: Selkath Merchant
- BUY:
  - 7x Parts
  - All 20 Hyper Stims
- END: ~447 Credits (need 400 minimum)

Ahto City

Dantooine 2

Sandral-Matale Feud

Mandalorian Raiders


Great Walkway

Upper Shadowlands

Lower Shadowlands

Wookiee Politics

Tatooine 2


SHOPPING: Junix Nard
- BUY:
  - All Pazaak Cards
  - This is most quickly done by spamming through the Hair Trigger as well
- End: ~7797 Credits

Dune Sea

Sand People Enclave

Manaan 2

Note: your saves are getting so big by this point that it may be extremely difficult to buffer anything from now on, but turning V-Sync Off makes it much easier. Due to the time required to toggle V-Sync off and on again, many cutscenes that can be buffered will be easier/faster to just mash through, but longer ones will be worth toggling for.

Sith Base:

Ahto City

Hrakert Rift

Ahto City

The Leviathan

Detention Block

Command Deck:

In the bridge section, you have to keep Carth and Bastila close to you in order to leave through the Bridge Storage door. Do your best to make sure they don’t wander off, as that can and will lose you a lot of time. You can choose to QS/QL to reset their following AI; this sometimes helps.



Note: From here through Lehon, your Save Teleports may be too large and unwieldy to use effectively. Casting Knight Speed will make it easier to control them but reduce the distance they cover, so use Speed sparingly and only in tight quarters.


SHOPPING: Czerka Store
- BUY:
  - 5x Echani Battle Stimulant
  - 5x Hyper Adrenal Alacrity
  - 5x Hyper Adrenal Strength
  - 5x Hyper Adrenal Stamina
  - Optional: Buy extra Life Support Packs if you're low on medpacs, though you shouldn't need them

Sith Academy

Valley of the Dark Lords

Tomb of Naga Sadow


Warrior Rakata

Ancient Temple

Leaving Lehon

Note: The game deletes a ton of midgame data here, so your Save Teleports are now ineffective. It’s fastest to use Force Speed and Force Jump for movement from here on out.

The Star Forge

Deck One

Confronting Bastila

Viewing Platform

Complete Quest List

This is a list of all the quests in the game, as well as the alignment we complete them with, if applicable.

Endar Spire:







Unknown World/Star Forge:

Party Quests:

Intergalactic Quests:

Version History

v2.0 (September 2023)

v1.1 (August 2023)

v1.0 (August 2022)

v0.3 (August 2022)

v0.2 (August 2022)

v0.1 (August 2022)